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Something interesting happening right now is that I’m learning Jesus is always with me no matter what. And isn’t that an adventure?? I can tell you everywhere He’s been up to the day. He likes to spend time with me. I’m still wrapping my head around that. Jesus is so cool.

I went to church this past Sunday and during worship, they were playing the song Thank You Lord and if you haven’t heard it, I recommend you do because that’s an entire party happening right there. It’s a great song.

As I was worshiping, in my head I wondered how God worshiped. The Trinity participates in worship of God, this I knew, but I wondered what it looked like.

And all of a sudden, I was shown a vision of Jesus worshiping the Father God! He was dancing and singing and stretching His hands out towards God in adoration and complete and utter love.

If that wasn’t cool enough, Jesus was also doing the Snoopy dance.

You know, the one from the Peanuts comics:

happy dance GIFs - Primo GIF - Latest Animated GIFs

I’m impressed that Jesus knows the Snoopy dance, for one, but it was fun to watch. Of course, He wasn’t on top of a dog house, and Woodstock wasn’t there, but He really was thriving and loving life. He invited me to dance with him! He reached out His hands and said, “Come dance with me!” He was totally partying!

I learned that He loves to worship with us and also with the Father God all at the same time! Jesus is here for it. I was not as good at Snoopy dancing as He was, but it was still really fun.

I had a graduation this past weekend on Saturday- you know, with COVID and everything, my high school waited until now to give us an Official Graduation that was not from a zipline. And it was the end of the ceremony and we were all standing as they announced us Officially Graduated, and I closed my eyes and I knew that God was there, watching us and watching me as I graduated.

He smiled at me. “I’m proud of you for graduating,” He said. “It’s a big accomplishment! And you did it!”

The Lord of the Universe, Maker of Everything and Anything, is proud of me for graduating high school!

How wild is that, honestly? He never ceases to amaze me with how He shows me His love for me. I’m still astonished that He’d take notice of me graduating when there are other students everywhere else graduating too, but no, His attention was solely for me at that moment. All to tell me that He was proud of me for graduating!

To my classmates that are reading this, He was there for you too. God is our family and He showed up just like the rest of our relatives did, but He is by far the biggest! He brought all of Heaven to celebrate!

He wants me to tell you that He’s so incredibly proud of you graduating as well, and there was a party thrown in your honor. He is proud of you, and he loves you so much.

He is everywhere, let me tell you. Even as I write this post, He’s excited because He knows this will reach many people and this is a way for Him to reach all of you that are reading it right now.

Many of you have told me that my posts are really well-written, but I’m just writing the words down that He tells me to, honestly. Not one word of this was written without first consulting Him. He even gives me the titles for my posts!

God is in everything. Every big event like graduation or the birth of a child or even the harder ones, like losing your house or struggling financially, He is there.

Many people only come to Him in the hard times, for advice or just to vent. He wants you to know that while it is a hardship, you coming to Him is a huge event because it gives Him a chance to work in your life.

Many of you are saying now, “I go to Him, but He doesn’t ever say anything back!” …Or something to that effect. And that’s a valid thought because you are not the only one to have ever thought that, and it certainly feels like it’s true sometimes.

But sometimes, we’re so lost in our own grief that we can’t see God even though He is right there next to us the whole time. Grief is like a grey cloud that is so hard to see through that you can’t see anything but the hard times you’re going through. But He’s right there next to you all the time.

Not for a moment has He ever left your side.

You may be wondering now, “Sophia, what does this have to do with you?”

Well, many things. Sometimes things don’t become clear to me until I write about them. This is one of those times.

For the past week-ish I’ve been wondering if I’m supposed to go this September to the training camp in Georgia, or if maybe the six-month January route is the way to go. I’ve prayed about it… then I prayed some more, and I haven’t heard anything from the Lord other than to send out some emails.

So I’m going to do that very soon. But this has been difficult for me because of fundraising and some other things. My grief over this subject has been clouding my ability to really truly hear Him clearly until literally right about now.

(Grief doesn’t always have to be sadness, you know.)

As always, I will update everyone on what happens, but for now I’m in standby mode until I receive more direction from the Lord. He’s been showing me that He’s there for the harder things and the bigger and smaller things in my life- worship at church, telling me that there’s a Chipotle in Heaven that Jesus regularly frequents while I myself am at a Chipotle eating dinner, giving me the job I tell Him I want when I go to work. He’s there in everything and He wants me to see that.

He has not left me while I struggle with this decision, and He’s here to guide me even if I’m terrible at listening (I am a lot of the time).

I was taking a walk a couple days ago, around my neighborhood. I live right next to a YMCA which is lovely to take walks around, but apparently that was not to be my destination.

“Take a drawstring bag with you,” He said. So I did. I took a walk behind a neighborhood and lo and behold, there was a small “take a book/leave a book” library that I had never seen before!

Take a Book, Leave a Book - The Zebra

There were two books in there that I took with me. He is so kind as to think ahead for the books He wanted me to get.

Then after that, I thought my walk might be over, but He said to keep going, so I did. It was around then that I didn’t know that part of the neighborhood because I’d never been over there, but we had a lovely walk where we both enjoyed the sky that the Lord had painted that day.

Colorado sunsets are very beautiful, didn’t you know?

While in this unknown part of my neighborhood, I wasn’t like… afraid, because I knew that this was happening for a reason. I knew He was guiding my footsteps, literally.

I also had Google Maps just in case anything happened, but I knew I wouldn’t need it.

I got home with relatively little fanfare and the next day I asked, “What was the point of taking me on that walk yesterday?”

He told me, “I needed you to know that you weren’t lost, because I was guiding your footsteps the whole time!”

Well! Wasn’t that a rocker. While the longest walk is yet to occur until I launch inevitably in January no matter what trip I decide to go on, this small walk around my neighborhood had a lot of significance. He is guiding my footsteps no matter what. I just have to say ‘Yes!’.

I am learning to trust Him with everything, not just with things I consider insignificant! And that also includes learning to let Him guide me, not forge my own way through the untamed forest when there’s a clear path He wants me to take.

Right now, I ask all of you for prayers about the path He wants me to take. I also ask that you pray about the paths He has for you, too, because each and every one of them are important to the Kingdom of God. And He’s excited to go down those paths with you!

Remember that you can ask God for and about anything. We’ve had many conversations about random, little things, like the aforementioned Heaven Chipotle and also one about the musical Hamilton which is like my favorite thing ever. I’ve heard He also likes to talk about the color of His shoes (we haven’t had that conversation, but I plan on asking Him about it.)

God loves you all and He has been teaching me what that’s like, too. It’s possibly one of the most exciting things I’ve ever been through.

I hope He teaches you all something too, whether it’s about how to do the Snoopy dance Jesus-style, or about your path He has for your life. Take that chance and see where it ends up. You never know what He’s got in store for you!

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