My squad has been so kind in helping me fundraise! I can remember a time where I felt like I would never ever get to go on the World Race because I didn’t meet the fundraising deadlines. But here I am, and God is good!!!
My teammate Esther and I are tag-teaming the last of my fundraising journey. Despite what the bar may say, I’ve only got $2,003 left to raise!! I need to have the full amount by tomorrow otherwise I won’t get to join my team in doing ministry in Costa Rica.
The good news is that there is an anonymous donor that has agreed to match all donations I get today!! So we’re raising half the amount I need in order to get everything I need because it will be matched.
If each one of you who get these emails donated only $20 I WOULD BE FULLY FUNDED BY TONIGHT!!
Please please partner with the Lord in order to do his work through me in Costa Rica!! God is so good!!!